Dear AA & NewLight,
When I first left, oddly enough, even though I knew it wasn't 'the truth' (607 was false, and that meant 1914 was false, and that meant the GB were not "chosen" when they said they were) I still had this desire to find out "Do the GB know what they are doing?" I too wanted to know if they were "evil", and to me that meant misleading me for their own gain.
It may be because of our upbringing... never wanting to accuse anyone falsely. Right?
We were always taught to "tell the truth" "don't be a liar like Satan, the ruler of this world" so much so, that I couldn't lie about anything, and wondered "How can the WT say that brothers under persecution/ banned from preaching (like Germany, Russia in the 40's) can deceive/lie about whether they were hiding literature when crossing the border, then have the WT brag about it as if "Jehovah was protecting them".... Yay, bros, lie some more. Oh yeah, "theocratic warfare".... that was their caveat. Still, I wanted "to be fair" and "give the GB a chance."
So, I investigated.... I am glad to see that you are both doing so. The farther you go down the rabbit hole, the more you will see, the more you will realize that the 'organization' is not so pure and innocent.
20/20 is a "Dateline" show in the United States, which had Barbara Anderson in it. She worked in WT headquarters writing & researching articles. It was a major breakthrough in the revealing of how WT hides child sex abuse. Here is a link:
How do I know 607 is a lie? The two WT's of 2011 (which I anxiously awaited... I had called headquarters and asked them about this "overlapping generation" I had heard about at the convention, and the 'brother' there said "our brothers work so hard, they are going to print some articles".... So, me? I wanted to be fair, give them a chance... even tho I was upset. I had been told, since I was a child (born in the 50's) that 'I should not go to college, pursue higher education because by the time I had completed it, Armageddon would be here, and my time would be wasted away.' I was told I should save peoples lives, not be selfish and seek my own wealth or health or future.
So, when the two articles came out, I examined them in detail. I was amazed that they included references. Real references. Book titles, page numbers, authors, EVERY thing. Usually, the WT does NOT give you the details, just vague references, right?
I studied them, cut them up, highlighted them just as on a police investigation board. You've seen them, right? lines connecting clues? The WT has the habit of starting a subject in a paragraph, then saying "we'll discuss that later", then uses all kinds of distractions, illustrations, and by the time you are done you forgot what they were going to prove in more detail.
In the article they had a quote about the actual business tablets found in Babylon. Made by people who lived during the 70 years of Babylon's rule. These people were meticulous record keepers. Businessmen. They would keep track of their daily earnings/ sellings. They recorded the names of the kings, what year of their reign and something astronomical (where Venus was? the Moon? can't remember) Sooo.... There are real actual records, Why do they talk about a 'rock' with inscriptions 200 years later with a crack in it? they say, 'we can't see where it's cracked, what it says, what it means.... but it coulllllllld say this, it coulllllld say that' ...
I found my quote from the magazine I posted 5 months ago. The WT admits, if you go by these tablets, 587 is when it fell. No need for discussion. No need for other rocks. They know it was 587, they need 607. Number shuffelling...
How did this help me see that they know what they are doing? In one of those red books from the early 1900's I read how they knew the 'Finished Mystery' (the old one) was inspired. They counted the steps from one factory (where it was written or started) to the other factory, where it was printed, and related it to a weird scripture (ezekiel? or a small book near there) that had 1,246 in it (or some crazy number)
Here is their conclusion: If you count the steps from here to there and you minus the steps from when the roadway/ train was moved.... you get 1, 246!!! That proves it is from Godd!
This is not an exact quote... it's 3 a.m., so I am not getting up to find it... but you get the point.
I cried. When I saw how easy it was for them to shuffle numbers in the Finished Mystery, I realized that is what they continually do. When Eve was created (how many years from Adam) kept changing, 1914 was suppose to be Armageddon, then became the great tribulation, then more and more dates in the early 1900's were updated, said to have significance "the end" "tribulation" etc, etc, 1975, "none of these people will die before Armageddon" we are promised....
It is too sad. They do know it. They are numerologists, magicians who hide their true identity. Do the research, do the math.
Here is a post I made about 4 months ago about 607.
What DO WT publications say? (in very, very tiny print, hoping you don't notice)
In it's infamous Oct & Nov 2011 WT articles page 24 (after explaining on page 23 that business tablets from the Babylonian era "were dated to the day, the month and the year of the reigning king.") column two underneath the 3rd paragraph
"Business tablets exist for all the years traditionally attributed to the Neo-Babylonian kings. When the years that these kings ruled are totalled, and a calculation is made back from the last Neo-Babylonian king, Nabonidus, the date reached for the destruction of Jerusalem is 587 BCE"
We don't need to look at cracked stones written 200 years later, ask stupid questions of "what if".... We have documents for alllllll the years during Babylon's reign.